Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Vampiric Novel: Eleen Nivarra

Wow this post is late. I apologize. There have been a lot of distractions. All those who are (or had been) taking care of a grandparent with dimensia will understand. The rest... well, your patience is appreciated. [I'm not sure if I'll ever go into detail about my grandfather but if I do, I apologize in advance for any depressing details that may lead you to feel sorry for me. Don't feel sorry. Please, I beg of you.]

*Ahem* Moving on!

Following my Twilight babble, I mentioned that I have written a novel in the vampiric style oh, so popular today. Except in my novel, vampires are not little twinkly vegetarian fairies. Instead, they are the bloodsucking monsters that haunt the nights. They feed and hold humans as their bloodslaves. They avoid sunlight at all costs and hold no conscience for their actions. They are monsters and they relish in it. 

Why does my novel stand apart from the countless versions already out there? I've noticed that all those novels center around pure vampires or vamps and werewolves. Occasionally, I'll find a jewel where another creature is mentioned but is still centered on vamps.

My first-person novel centers around a rarely mentioned creature: a dhamphir (dahm-feer). A dhamphir is part vampire/ part human. Dhamphirs have a soul and need both blood and human food to survive. They can go out in sunlight but not for very long. They have almost all the characteristics of vampires except their speed and strength is slightly diminished by their human side.

In my novel, the dhamphirs have a connection to an element. The main four elements are water, earth, fire and air. They can use their elements to heal themselves quicker and for sustenance. Their other powers include slight telepathy/telekinesis. Dhamphirs are born when a male vampire and female human have intercourse (whether voluntary or not) because the female's uterus is alive and able to carry the baby to term [I'll answer the 'vamps can't get it up' issue soon. Hold on!]. A dhamphir is created because the vampire genes are more dominant to the human ones. But the human qualities remain so they merge. From birth, dhamphirs age like humans until they reach maturity (approx. age 28) and then their aging slows to near-immortality. They will die but it takes a very,very long time. Being gravelly wounded could also kill them but it's no easy feat.

My main character is Eleen Nivarra, a 300 year old dhamphir. Her story begins within the confines of a human mental institution. She befriends one of the nurses, Stacey Meiry, and is even protective of her. Stacey figures out what Eleen is through the help of a rare book and promises to keep Eleen's secret. As payment for her silence, Stacey wants answers and bombards Eleen with questions. Later, Eleen is visited by an opportunity and is propelled on a journey back into her past to face her demons and reunite with her origin all while escaping the clutches of an ancient vampire's loyal henchman.

If I were asked to describe my novel in 1 paragraph, that would be it. I left out a ton of other details (of course) but that's the basic idea. I'd like to post up a piece of my novel for you all to review and give me feedback but this post is already lengthy. SO it'll probably be in the next one. Please feel free to give me feedback on my novel so far, please. 

Until next posting!

[Also on the "vampires being unable to perform during the act" issue, here's my most-likely-to-make-sense- explanation: Vampires drink blood to what? To live. The act of drinking blood makes their bodies come alive again, even if just briefly- which makes them drink again. Say it's like refreshing a frozen site on the computer. They refresh their bodies when drinking blood. Doing this before or during the act of intercourse makes them alive and able to perform. And with their bodies being alive, so are their swimmers. Makes sense? YES!]

That is my explanation in the world within my novel. Do with it what you will. Better than twinkle fairies who break beds.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


As promised in my previous post (alright not really promised but mentioned), here is my almost published high school poem entitled Think. I hope you enjoy!

Journey through the valleys of Thought
Let time become a figment of Imagination
Have your ideas surround You
Make them hold you and embrace You
Remember all your reflections
See Truth in your Mind
See what wasn’t there before
Notice what can easily be Forgotten
Feel what you did before and
Sense differences within You
Become one with Yourself
With your thoughts lay Knowledge

Friday, August 2, 2013

I Don't Know...

Instead of wanting just one career, I'm one of the many who want more than one. I went to Culinary Arts school and graduated with an AOS degree. I am now attending school to get a degree in Business, planning to start my own catering business, but would like to be a published author in fiction.

 I've been cooking for seven years (since I was 14), mostly at home and when I have work or parties, but I've been writing since 5th grade. My first goal had been to be a published author before I hit 18... but that didn't pan out. I almost had a poem (2 actually but the second was in highschool) published in a book but they wanted a deposit I couldn't pay. I copied my highschool poem and will post it here sooner or later. I can't remember what prompted me to write it, but I'm sure it's one of those works where, when read, it make sense to someone somewhere.

Since I began my journey in the writing field, I've excelled in English... except essays. I hate being told what and how to write something. I know the structure, the rules, the method behind essays but I hate them. Proof reading my peer's works is more fun. I'm great with all things grammatical. I kept receiving praise for my prowess and that just propelled me further into wanting to write. I will never be seen without a pen or a notebook and my friends always understand when I don't respond in group conversations. I wake to the notebook I'd fallen asleep on and just keep on writing.

When I'm not writing, I'm reading something. I emphasize 'thing' because I've even read 3/4 of the Twilight series after the first one grabbed my attention and I can't consider those books. They aren't. They're an insult. If she was attracting the teenage audience, these... things were either a testament to the declining GPA or she wasn't putting any effort into it to relate. The first one was alright... if we excuse a few obvious issues (he's IN her room WHILE she sleeps??? WTH!!) here and there (how in the world do vampires sparkle and enter a dwelling without invitation??) but the next three books were terrible. The fourth in particular is so bad that I cannot get through it. I have yet to finish it because I get this pounding migrane when I try. But the movie nightmare and fever is over so I will move on in merriment.

Alright, I'm done with my mind splash for today. Tomorrow I'll talk about one of my novels. (Following my Twilight rant, it is a vampiric based novel idea but SO MUCH more traditional)