Wednesday, March 18, 2020


   As a hidden Latina, I wish everyone a belated Happy Hallow's Eve and Days of the Dead, I lit a candle for my loved ones but couldn't dress up or attend any festivals in honor of these dark holidays. I wish I could have. There's nothing that warms my insides more than the macabre and hugs from my significant other. He doesn't read these but he reads my novels when I ask for opinions.
     He also understands my growing need to celebrate the dead and accept a future that befalls us all.  There's a song named "Let's Just Live" as part of the RWBY series soundtrack that fits this perfectly. Celebrate every day and just live one at a time.
     At this point in time, there is panic surrounding us. Everyone is worried about the Corona Virus or CoVid-19. I understand if you don't want to catch it and give it to a loved one who is in danger of being killed by the virus (kids and the elderly) but the CDC told us exactly what to do: WASH YOUR NASTY HANDS.
     When did they say to buy up the toilet paper or all the water. Just get what's necessary, you hoarders.
     You are over complicating a very simple direction. Just buy soap and wash your hands. With schools and work places being shut down because of the virus, I understand that it's sorta scary. But now those kids are in your house and you need to set an example. Are you setting up a good one? They have internet too and can find the posts making fun of people hoarding toilet paper. What if they turn around and see those packs and realize the world is making fun of people like you? They'd be embarrassed.
     Just wear gloves when outside or carry a handkerchief so you don't touch door handles, hand rails, or other people. Sanitize new packages in your house by wiping them down. No need to get so panicky.
      Just think about how much of the things you buy, you'll actually use. Don't pollute the planet any more than necessary!